Now, this baby has Jettywolf written all over it!
- Make: Workboats Northwest, Seattle, WA. $7,900.00
- 16' 6" Long, 7' 6" Wide.
- Hull built from 3/16 inch aluminum.
- 90 Horsepower outboard motor with new lower unit.
- Less than 50 Hrs on motor.
- Self bailing flush deck.
- 100 gal. fuel tank in bottom.
- Non-skid paint on rails and decks.
- Center steering station.
- Rubber rails all around.
- Canvas cover.
- New battery.
- New hydraulic hoses.
- New fuel hoses.
- Towing hooks in stern and bow.
- 4 lifting eyes inboard.
- 4 tie down cleats.
The furthest thing from being a "Caroline Skiffer" .........HUH?
-add some rod holders and now ya have a REAL COOL jetty boat!
-Do I hear Sheepherders.....Ahhhhing?
-But with a 100 gallons of fuel, it could also mean a Daytona Jetties and back too.