Tuesday, April 15, 2014

4/14 - Pre-frontal slowness:

The SE winds were pushing and the jetties WOULD have a swell from hell I thought with the "day before the full moon tides".

So I opted to head the other way. With Dave H. and his two sons I'd give a try the same thing we did on Saturday. Early morning popping corks and live shrimp up in the shallow water looking for Reds & Trout.

Didn't produce anything but BLUEFISH.  What a difference 2 days can make around here. Same spots, no bites at all, on one of the areas.

"Okay, front coming, wacko moon on the rise. Higher water, overcast and windy." certainly not the same day as dead calm Saturday morning, for sure.

So we went bottom fishing. And one area that is just full of hard bottom, velcro like bottom, that usually holds fish is the mouth of Trout River.

It was dark, windy and sprinkling with rain. The last of the rising tide. And we caught the YEARS first Croakers up to 14 inches!  And a 10 pound Black Drum.

Afterwards, the weather seemed to get a little worse even. But as the tide changed couldn't find the Croakers or more Drum afterwards.  That Trout river mouth is a bit wacko. The tide always seems to take forever and a day to feel as if it's ebbing, there. Until it's almost LOW.

Go two miles to the east and the current is running hard. But at the mouth of the Trout river. You can sit there with sinkers and line straight up & down, no water pushing at all on them, for what seems like forever.

So, despite some weird tides, and weather. We caught A LOT of lunch. So we headed back, and it was one LUMPY ride in certain areas of the river, for sure!  I cleaned up the Croak's and Drum and the guys headed over to Singletons for a late lunch and cold beer!

When I got home. The sun came out and it got hot and calmer. GO FIGURE!


Now, as I have been posting. The weather this week is KILLING my Pre-Easter charter week, (the rest of it; Weds thru Friday) with huge winds up to gale force along the coastal areas.

YEP, that me. COASTAL ANGLING aboard the Jettywolf!!!

Several trips with small children + High winds = NO GO!