link to video on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL: - READ COMMENTS.
Momma's don't let your babies grow up to be FISHING GUIDES! at my wits end. So, you think being a Fishing Guide, Youtuber is the cool life, huh? How hard do you have to work? YOU TELL ME? What the heck do people want to watch besides a thong bikini fishing Gal or stupid people eating MRE's, or the hottest peppers on earth? Guess, I need to really do a lot of dumb crap?
The work I put into this channel used to have me thinking ''its all gonna be worth it''...
😠😠I'M RECONSIDERING 😡😡 How the heck do these crappy so called knife reviewers have such a following? I'm almost thinking about changing my channel or starting a new one about Knives! Because I'm interested in them. Do I need to stop "anchoring too?" I'm so tired of that river bottom. A ole friend of mine Capt Randall (R.I.P.) always said if he could fish one place all the time it would simply be, NASSAU SOUND! It's all SAND! But the boat ramp up yonder, certainly ruined that area, years ago. Too many people!. thats a 18 mile ride ONE WAY from where I depart from! Maybe the TRUMP economy will have fuel a dollar a gallon again? WANT STIMULUS??? THAT'LL DO IT. MY SUZUKI ''UPDATE'': WAS THE 'SHIFT CONTROLLER????'', DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN SHIFT TOO FAST AND TOO MUCH, FOR A ''FLY BY WIRE'' SYSTEM?? YEAH ME TOO...NEVER HEARD OF SUCH A THING. BUT, IT RESETS ITSELF. ACCORDING TO MECHANICS AT DELL MARINE IN JAX. YEAH, I WAS IN A ''OH SHIT'' MOMENT. I CAN'T REMEMBER HOW I WAS SHIFTING THE MOTOR. TOO MANY OH SHIT MOMENTS IN THAT DAMN RIVER ANYMORE.