Thursday, March 13, 2008

March 6th video of Black Drum in River

Nick, a fishing buddy took this footage (and found the net for me) on March 6th while out trying out Biscayne 8' bottom fishing rods. As you recall from the report we also caught some whopper spring time Redbass. H-a-r-d = F-I-S-H, we were fishing some seriously hard shell bottom. And when the tide got right, it was all ya wanted....except we wanted less big Reds and more Drum for the fish box.

Nick had the camera running...long before he got into position. We'll have to work on that next time. I tried editing it out but couldn't get the edited version to load up here on Blogger.

Either way, we tried. I don't see video's on any other local charter sites.

This could be, YOU !