But as we deaprted at 8am, we would still have an hour or so of rising tide. So I taught the guys how to Float-rig fish, and how to lob with a baitcasting reel. As I told them, I wish a "spinner reel" was never invented because that handicap of a reel is not what I use, and not proper for any type of Fishing, I do. So with wind and no curren,t we had to pitch to the rocks.
Again, no Trout or Yellowmouths, where I've been catching them each April for the last twenty years!!!! And I'm getting really tired of the inconsistency. We burned bait like match sticks, and then Tom hooks the years FIRST Jack Crevalle. I swore it was a Pompano when I saw it in the water. Yeah....this same spot "used to" produce Pompano too, every single APRIL.

Area's to fish close to the dock are getting scarce since along the Navy Base for a mile or more is off limits. You can count on NO LONG BOAT RIDES, when with me. Because I like lines in the water.
I seen big Spanish Macs along the rocks on Wedsnesday, and now we catch a Jack. In my mind, spring is over and summer is here. We caught nothing else on the float-rigs, so we moved on.
Next we anchored up to bottom fish. The rolling seas were pushing the boat ahead on the anchor. But we were okay and staying anchored, because of my 25 pound grapnel and 12 feet of heavy chain. 99% of the boats I see at the jetties are ill equiped when it comes to their anchor and chain. When I wanna stick like glue, I drop over the "man-maker anchor". Because just lifting it in the boat isn't for boys.
We came there for large Redbass, and that's what we got! A DOUBLE-HEADER! For the lingo impaired, that means two on at once.
All the while in the rolling seas we get waked by the every faithful Navy Ship and Sea Tractor tug boat barreling out the jetties. The wake hit us at over the height of my boats bow. Tom got his fish to the boat first. My anchor was yanked from the bottom, and we were heading straight into the rocks "thank you again, USN". I started the engine and as Larry was way over worked by his fish, I swung out and let the anchor grab the bottom again.

Larry was really struggling with his fish. The way the rod was bowed and the drag zipping out. I thought he caught a 50 pound Black Drum. But as the fish came close to the surface it was spinning. It was a Redbass, not a Black Drum. The Red was foul hooked. For the lingo impaired, that means the fish isn't hooked in the mouth.
The Redbass was hooked in the gill plate!

Larry was whopped. And this was the largest fish he's ever caught. Tom's Red was 28-1/2" and Larry's was 33 inches.
All this was going on as I was multi-tasking my ass off. Keeping the boat in position, after getting slammed by huge wakes, working the boat, netting fish, and taking pictures. All I needed was the phone to ring.
The seas got where it was really not the place to continue to fish, so we moved inshore of the jetty tip. But caught Zip. So back out we went, and headed over to the south Jetty. It was calmer. We anchored up on the Sea Bass hole for hell. One after another as fast as you could sit a bait on the bottom. Some were 12" and I was wondering, "am I allowed to keep Seabass inshore in state waters??"
Because at this time we hadn't' put a fish in the fish box, yet.
Then came a Sheepshead, but the spot was incessant Seabass.....so again, we moved on.
The next spot was basically currentless, and only a Whiting came over the side of the boat. So we packed it in, after fishing MORE than just the day's tide.
Either way, it wasn't easy fishing today. But these two guys sure learned allot. And never got sea sick either. Which was really good.
No Fishing for me Saturday......yet another day not worth being out there at the jetties, besides a tournament going on: