Friday, November 11, 2011

11/11 - These people are nuts!

The rule makers are out of their minds!!!!!!!!!!

You might want to email to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission about the spotted seatrout haul seine netting fishery and the proposed rule amendments. The Commission values public comment about Florida’s fisheries.
We have already seen a decrease in our Sheepshead fishing because of seine netting here, this would impact our local Seatrout fishing.  With the SAMFC arbitrarily closing our offshore fishing for various species, there is now increased fishing pressure on our inshore fisheries, this would be a bad time to allow Seine fishing commercally.

The Commission considers the spotted seatrout population in Florida a success story. (REALLY??) Over the past twenty years, the regulations in place helped spotted seatrout rebuild from low population levels to abundant and healthy levels. The most recent spotted seatrout stock assessment showed that the stocks are exceeding the Commission’s seatrout management goal. (REALLY??)Because of this, the Commission is looking into relaxing both commercial and recreational regulations in order to increase fishing opportunities for fishers in Florida.

The proposed regulations could expand the commercial and recreational fishery and therefore will likely increase the number of spotted seatrout harvested in Florida. However, the proposals are made after careful considerations of many aspects of the seatrout fishery, such as projected changes in fishing effort and harvest levels. One aspect considered is that commercial landings of spotted seatrout in Florida are very small relative to the recreational landings. For example, in 2009, the commercial harvest made up only 2% of the entire spotted seatrout harvest in Florida. (BOO-HOO)

Although our scientific data and the models we use in the stock assessment cannot predict fishing behavior, based on calculations by scientists at FWC’s Fish and Wildlife Research Institute, we believe that the proposed regulations are precautionary and should not harm the overall spotted seatrout population in Florida. In addition, a new spotted seatrout stock assessment is planned for 2014 and if it shows reasons for concern, regulations can be adjusted at that time. (LEAVE IT ALONE.....N.E. Florida doesn't have enough to scoop up with nets)

The proposed regulations will be discussed in a final public hearing at the November Commission meeting. You can see more details about the spotted seatrout recommendations that will be discussed as they are added to the meeting website:,-2011/.

Again, thank you for your interest in one of Florida’s premier fisheries. Your input is very important to the Commission and has been added to the public testimony we have gathered. If you have any further questions you can either contact Carly Canion by email at or by calling (850)487-0554 (850)487-0554    

This will open NET/SEINE fishing again for Trout. Have ya seen the Sheephead slaughters out of Nassua Sound with seine nets? If not, you'll wanna PUKE, because I have.

I know this alot to read but if you want to learn, it's worth it.


The long awaited arrival of seatrout to reach its minimum management goal of 35% Spawning Potential Ratio (SPR), due in large measure to the support of the angling public and its voluntary adherence to size and bag limits, is to be celebrated. But it should not be taken as a green light to expand the fishery, additional take must be done with caution in mind. Increasing the commercial take of seatrout with large increases in the number of months of the commercial season, the use of beach and haul seines, the allowance of huge amounts of seatrout take as “by-catch”, and the rest of the amendments being proposed for the commercial fishermen are all simply bad ideas, not only from an economic/jobs perspective but also from a policy perspective.

From an economic/jobs/recreational viewpoint, the better course in the long term would be to expand the allowable season for seatrout - and perhaps expand size and bag limits – for the angling public, rather than allowing increased significant take and sale by commercial fishermen.

CCA Florida has received an economic study that compares the value of the commercial seatrout fishery to the recreational seatrout fishery here in Florida. This study provides substantial evidence using MRFSS, NMFS, and FWC data that shows that CCA’s concerns over a directed commercial fishery on seatrout are valid. The value that the recreational directed fishery brings to Florida is just over $81 million compared to the value of the commercial fishery brings which is less than $300 thousand. The numbers of jobs and economic value associated with recreational seatrout fishing in Florida – from guides, to bait and tackle shops, to hotels, restaurants and gas stations – clearly indicate that promoting more recreational angling for seatrout, and not more commercial take of seatrout, is the wiser course.

Next week, on November 16th in Key Largo, FL the FWC Commissioners will have the opportunity to vote on several proposals that would expand the commercial seatrout fishery. These include, but are not limited to the possibility of adding beach and haul seine nets for a “by-catch” fishery and allowing year around sale of seatrout. CCA believes the FWC Commissioners should take the better course of action and do the right thing for the fish and the economy and keep the seatrout fishery as is. To view the full economic report, please see the attached document from the Gentner Consulting Group.

For more information or if you would like to attend the FWC meeting please contact –
Trip Aukeman, Deputy Director Advocacy CCA Florida at (850)559-0060  (850)559-0060 or email