Friday, December 3, 2010

12/3 - It just doesn't get any better.

It almost didn't happen. But it did. And that's one thing about "true" fisherman is, they make it happen. Got a call from George. He's fished aboard the Jettywolf many times. He had some relatives in town. But it took till the last minute before all the moons aligned. But late last night, well after I hit the sack. The guys booked their charter.

When a fisherman says, "I'm going fishing." They do. No tire kickin' around. George read the latest reports here, and passed on the info that the fishing is RED HOT, as Patrick and Mike were able to go.

And as you'll turned out to be an EPIC day at the jetties, and after that we topped it off with even more catching.

Mike was the "hot rod" right off the bat, as he slam dunked a Big Redbass and some large Black for the fish box.

There's nothing like torqued rod, ripping drag and a.......

....sweet azz, Black Drum, along the Mayport Jetties. We were all alone, not another soul around at 7am.  It wasn't even that cold. Cold will be coming next week. high 30's, low 40's ain't cold, it's EXCITING!!!!

The Redbass come in only two sizes for me on my boat. Way too big, out of the slot, or way too small, out of the slot. That's why if you want M-E-A-T, ya better love Black Drum. It's better than Redbass in my book, and I like the slot sizes so much better.


A Double-header, one way too big to keep, and one way too small to keep. I say, make the slot size, 16" to 23", sort of like Georgia's Redbass sizes, since we're not Florida, but rather the largest city in SE Georgia, anyhow.

I don't know about you, but this is all I live for. This is the time of year for inshore fishing N.E. Florida. I just put up with the hot, humid, dry, high rain deficit summers, like last summer. I was dreaming of this fishing in July of 2010!

These guys caught so many Drum it was ridicules. The fish were chewin so fast if you didn't get slammed in 2 minutes of being down on the bottom, ya thought you were doing something wrong, like fishing with no bait. After this weeks big winds and front passing through it did nothing but fire the fish up like an inferno.

Here's a stereo typical "Navy Town" photo from the inlet. What would a day of fishing the jetties be like without Navy ships passing by constantly, along with those nonsense seatractor tugs throwing massive wakes?

About 15 or more Black Drum, a bunch of small Reds, and bunch of large Reds. Add in some good sized Yellowmouth Trout, and some Whiting. It was one hell of a morning. The NEW moon tide started to scream hard. Both coolers on the boat were slap full of fish. And I get to go out again tomorrow and do it all over again, with four people on Saturday.

It was time to run up into the river and do some Float-rig fishing for Speckled Trout. And they were chewin' too! Boxing 12 nice 16-20" keepers, while catching 15 in an hour and a half on just one drop of the anchor.

George said they had 12 mouths to feed tonight. Well, they better get busy. That's allot of fish to cook!

-Are you missing out on this? If so, don't think like the others, by thinking the chilly mornings are too much to bare. By 10am it was off with the woolies and back to the sweatshirts and shorts for me. IT'S CALLED NO SWEAT FISHING!
-Ya know, it cost no more to fish the the JETTYWOLF, and get a few for your grill.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

12/2 - The going "soft".

I'm the kind of angler that's always looking for the edge. Not satisfied with what I find at the corner bait shop.(except really good bait) With the help of the Internet, the whole world is an open catalog. Sometimes, seeing how other's do things, is easily adaptable to my fishing style.

I'll tell you a story.....

When super Braid line first came out. Spiderwire, as many still call the line. As if a single brand name is the generic name for the entire industry...."sorry folks, there's hundred's of brand names out there."

But yes, Spiderwire was one of the first, if not the first super braid line out on the market. It's just called "braid" today. I'm a bit ole school and still call it "super" Braid. To discern it from Dacron Braided line. Which today, most young fisherman have never used.

But to make a long story short. I told friends, "I'll never ever use that stuff." And on a local fishing forum it was a running joke that a fella named Don was using it. And we all gave him grief, about it. Calling him, Professor gadget. But the whole time, I had it on a reel and I was using it too. I quickly saw the advantages of no stretch, the feel, and how it doesn't break. I also loved the idea that I could have it on a reel for years and years, versus monofilament.

But, one of the nicest things about it was, it "FLOATED". Unlike Mono, that sinks. Gets water logged, heavy and then breaks. (or at least it used too.) Even mono has come a long way over the years. But, for me. All my reels eventually ended up being spooled with the very thin, strong, no stretch, waterproof, floating, super line!    (remember those qualities....I'll be getting back to them.) 

Then, as the years went by I knew there had to be a better Float-rig system out there in the world. So I went to the source. "The Pacific Northwest."  Yes, the home of the float-riggers....where I believe it all came to be. Using large and small specialty floats, to present small baits/lures in raging water to giant Salmon. Using long rods, making long casts. Hooking up, really big strong fish.

"Hmmm. That's what we do." The St. Johns river has strong currents, and big fish. The real difference is that sometimes I set my float 20 deep! At first I found funky looking clear plastic, stealthy looking, shallow water type floats, to be used with a small plastic worm or jig for fish like, Steelhead. But as I looked further. I found floats that were WEIGHT rated!!

What? Weight rated???
(remember that "term".)

In Jacksonville (the largest of the back woods cities back then, with no tackle outlets, outside the usual bait shop) all we used was big, clumsy, long, and heavy balsa wood floats that  never had a weight rating. Meaning; what "trout lead" (sinker) weight would you use with what float? It was totally experimental. Unless you knew through trial and error, which weight went with which size float. 

My buddy, Pelican. Who co-hosted with me on our radio show "All about Fishing" and was a constant fishing companion was damn near blind....he wasn't, but he acted like it. Pelican, would use a 20" long pole float made from balsa wood. I used to call it his telephone pole, rather than his float. But he loved a two ounce trout lead. And said, "I can see that float way behind the boat." He actually convinced me of it's overall qualities. While float-rigging the open river and jetties. But to carry and stand up properly with two ounces of lead, the float had to be MASSIVE.

Seriously, old school. Pelican could, and would kick my ass, sometimes. With his slower drifting, perfectly vertically presented float-rig, to a pack of Trout hunkered down, in deeper water. His two ounce trout lead (sinker) on his float-rig really worked, great. While I was using a one ounce weight, and a float that I "trialed and error'd" with, till I got it exactly right. Because I wanted a smaller float. And didn't like that telephone pole. It took away from the fight of the fish, I felt.

So what's the correct weight? It's actually a personal preference. But, according to today's high tech float manufactures, and those super float-riggers in the Pac-Norwest. The float, should be held at least half way under water, if not three quarters underwater when perfectly weighted. It's all about presentation of the bait, really. No matter if it's a half ounce, one ounce or a 2 ounce trout lead you're using.

So what did I find as I started to look outside of J-ville, for something better than ole Pelican's Telephone pole floats?

I found the Salmon Stalker float, made by Premier Plastics. And distributed by Cabela's.

I eventually even talked to the designer on the phone a few times.  While Premier just makes them. They contract a designer/engineer, to come up with all the particulars. And this is the man I talked too. Interesting fella, with a really cool job.

R&D, is what he did with tackle, lures and of course floats. I love R&D. It's also what I like to do. And I thought I found my "end all" to the telephone pole and two ounce float problem.

So what was so great about the Salmon Stalker floats? 

First of all, they're EVA foam. Not balsa. With that, they are smaller, not as long as Pelican telephone pole floats. BUT...can hold a two ounce Trout lead (sinker), and are less than, half the size. Not something Pelican approved of. He liked being able to see his float easily. Which I could understand for a "blind man". But really all he needed was GLASSES!

Foam, floats higher than balsa wood. PLUS, they come "weight rated". YES, weight rated. No more experimenting, with a handful of Trout leads to find the best weight for a particular float. Or more like, which is the actual way of doing it; finding the right float size for a particular size weight.

I wanted to use a two ounce, like Pelican. But refused to use a float so big and clumsy.

And NOW, I found the answer. Just order a two ounce Salmon Stalker, and it's ready to go with my two ounce trout lead. No more fussing around.

You'd think, this would become a tackle trend. When manufactures make their pole/slip floats. All they have to do is one extra step and see what is the best weight is, or max weight for a particular float.

But Noooo, today you'll walk into tackle shops and see a line of floats, usually Billy Boys, by Betts, and a line of different torpedo shaped trout lead sinkers, with a swivel attached on one end, that are used with the float-rig. And still have no clue what weight goes with what float!

But that same company (Betts)  has finally jumped on the band-wagon, and now has float floats, too!

But come on, step out of the dark ages Betts. Not including a weight rating is like building a dump truck, but never telling you how much dirt it can hold. Do I have to fill it up with dirt, measure the yardage, blow out the tires, or spill it all over the highway, when the truck rolls over?

I know, that's a radical comparison, but you get my point.

I have stood in B&M bait and tackle on a Saturday talking to someone about float-rigging for Trout, walked over to the Betts Billy Boy Balsa floats and we had to make an educated guess at what float goes exactly for what trout lead sinker. Everyone agrees, they should tell you on the package!

Pacific North West style floats, DO tell you what weight to use. And even though some have joined in on the foam slip float revolution. Maybe they'll read this and tell their customers what's the best weight to use.......probably, NOT.

I've come along way in my research on floats,  and float-rigging for all fish that eat live shrimp, down yonder here in Jacksonville, Florida.

I don't even use Salmon Stalker floats any more. I've R&D'd myself right on to another style of slip float. Finding an even smaller, more buoyant foam float, than the Salmon Stalkers.

The Salmon Stalker brand floats are EVA foam. The same stuff that the grips are made of on my Shakespeare Ugly Stik Float-rigging rods. Although it floats better than the balsa types, it's still a bit heavy. Because of the EVA density. And when trying my best to "get away" with using the lightest action rods I can with two ounces of lead. I don't want additional weight of any kind, on my rod tips.

Yeah........I'm that ANAL.  But remember, I'm successful also. So being a real picky float fisherman, lead me on another search.

So, now I'm using some "hand-made" floats that weigh, hardly anything. While made out of a different kind of foam, (You'll have to fish aboard the Jettywolf to see and use them.)  They're still a bit of a "trade secret", right now. So don't bother asking.  Maybe later, I can let the "float outa the bag...."

Now, remember I was discussing super braid line? Well another reason to use it for float-rig fishing is because it floats on the surface. Hence, it floats with your float.

Mono eventually sinks. And with today's super braid lines, it makes complete sense, to NOT have line that sinks.

Wanna know another big positive with super braid line and float-rig fishing? You'll never have your reel line break, when busting out of a snag.

Yep, if you use super braid, and get your float-rig hook stuck in structure, just pop it off, and tie on another hook and your back in business. And even when using a heavier leader material off your trout lead sinker, going to your "horn hooked" live shrimp. You'll be able to break the mono off, because the super braid won't snap.

But still, you should be using a sacrificial length of leader. Light in poundage. No more than 20 pound mono. I'm spooled up with 30 pound super braid line, and it's plenty strong. To pop off a hung hook.

Another nice thing about the ultra thin super braid line is that 30 pound braid, is the diameter of 8 pound mono. So it's given me the opportunity to use small, light weight, ultra high speed retrieve, low profile reels.

Holding anywhere from 180 to 220 yards of 30 pound super braid line. No fish, I want to catch will take all that line out! And today's low profile reels like the Shimano's all have easily adjustable weights  on the end of the spool, so I don't have to worry about whicked backlashes anymore, from the beginners on my boat. I have the reels adjusted to not backlash via the wonderful adjustments these reels afford.    

So, there ya have it. That's what I love about float-rig fishing. It's so much more than just blindly casting your junk into the water and hoping for a bite.

It's a science. It's research and constant development. Although, I may have have reached the end of the road, as far as a perfect and complete set-up. But ya never know!

I tell my customers all the time while float-riggin', "there's many similarities to fly fishing especially when float-rig fishing,  in good current." It's just that I didn't make the baits (flies) at home on a table.

Momma Nature makes my bait. And it's always, alive.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

11/30 - Number one month.....gone.

If you missed it. You still have a chance, to get in on some of those "sweatshirt" fishing days. But boy was November a great month. It usually is. If I have to pick a month or two. I think I'd go with November as my 1st favorite, and then April and my 2nd favorite fishing months.

It all has to do with "transition".  I attempt to explain how and why to people in other parts of the country by just saying Thanksgiving and Easter.....but Easter isn't always in April (but it's close enough)

I've received many e-mails inquiring about "when to go", this week. And ya'll know who you are. Well, NOW is when you should book your trip. Wait till July, and forget about it. It's not the same as what's going on, as we speak. But allot of my shouting out to the public, goes unnoticed.

Talked extensively with a fellow Jacksonville Offshore Sport Fishing Club member in Academy Sports yesterday. It seems I live WAY TOO CLOSE to that store! Although we both are in the JOSFC, neither of us really do much offshore fishing.

He was talking about how from now on, he's on a big Trout hunt. And was reading on the Internet, every one's best clues to catching big Trout. Soon as he started telling me some of his findings, I could quickly could tell most of the Internet secrets were based on the G.O.M. - Gulf of Mexico, Trout.

(Trout reign supreme on my boat, because it's all about the challenge of what it takes to consistantly catch quality fish, rather than going after just a big tug on the line.)

Yes, Trout reign supreme in  Alabama, Louisiana, and Texas. But not as supreme here on the east coast of Florida, and especially not as supreme in Jacksonville, Florida!

Here, it's all about what many Gulf Coasters would consider a "junk fish", Sheepshead. Because they have so many Trout is why everyone loves them so. I love them so, because we don't have as many as those Gulf Coast states. And the challenge is what excites me. And the high I get fropm taking people, teaching them, and having them catch their own, Speckled Trout.

Hell, we even have the largest Sheepshead tournament in the world that ought to tell ya something, right there.

Catch  a Trout this size in J-ville and you'll never fish for Sheepshead again!

 This wade caught Texas Trout was dubbed "Troutzilla". Which makes the nic-name "Gator" for a big Trout in N.E. Florida, seem a bit weak, huh?

Although, November is now gone, and it's not like many people are going to catch Texas sized Troutzilla's. Here's some photos of past November & December Speckled Trout days specifically on my Jettywolf, in the St. Johns River.








They're out there. But not all days are created equal. Our tides, and fall-winter-and spring winds give us certain windows of opportunity. Situations on the water, give us windows of opportunity.

Hell, I've had over 100 Trout days in August! But as I've discussed before, it was right after a huge storm. That produced lots of rain and a big flush of bait and the fish following along. I found those fish. And was on then for quite awhile. Till, something changed. Yes, it seems through all my research, that it's 7 days a week 12 months a year, about any places like Louisiana, when it comes to catching plain ole Speckled Trout. Any size, and lots of them.

But here, I find there is "windows of opportunity". And when I see them. I go for it.

Like right now, I know where there's big honkin Trout...BUT THE BLUEFISH ARE KILLING THAT OPPORTUNITY. Soon as they're out here. I'll be hitting that spot, again.  I was on that same spot two weeks ago, and the big trout were there. I pulled a 23 incher, out in the first 10 minutes of fishing it.

So.....I guess the moral of the story is if you're hunting for lots of big Trout fishing secrets and run into all that Gulf of Mexico info out there on cyber-space. You need to read it, take it all in. Become familiar with all the ways to catch big Trout. Because it all helps, there is no doubt. I've read it all too.

But for me, I just grab my float-rig rod, some live river crickets, and fish when the large Speckled Trout are really availible.  IE: wind dirtection, weather, tides, and such.

In the spring I never leave out, looking for a big Trout without a topwater plug tied on. Or my most trusty of all, a MirrOlure 52MR in the wackiest, flashiest color.

Catching big Trout in the St. Johns has more to do with opportunity than technique, I have learned. And the transitional times of year, is the best when that opportunity presents itself. It's no different than trying to catch Tarpon in January in Jacksonville. You have to GO, when they're in your back yard.

Think........ RIGHT NOW.  Cuz, if your day is "right", I'd love to help YOU catch your N.E. Florida "Gator" Trout. And many other species.

Or get ready for spring and book early. It's NEVER to early to plan a trip. If you plan far ahead, you instantly get a gold star next to your name in my reservation book.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

11/27 - It's a tough job....

First 5 minutes on the spot, with baits down, meant INSTANTANEOUS GRATIFICATION!  (31" Redbass and a 18 pound Black Drum)

The next 5 mintues, another Black Drum.

Four days of holiday charters, and finally a "keeper" slot sized Redbass.....barely under 27". But another one for the BOX!

They came in all sizes. Big, medium and small, and really small. But, "we loved them all". 

A big "seven striped jetty snapper", even enjoyed some ABC - "already been chewed",  jumbo fresh dead shrimp. It's all about the smell of goodness.

Another fattie, heading straight into the fish box, and then on its way to Saginaw, Michigan for many a dinner.

It's a tough job being out there bright and early in the morning chill on a Saturday with a front passing through. Wind blowing 15 knots, water choppy. BUT SOME ONE HAS TO DO IT.

But Ed, Tony and Steve were ready for the job, of whackin some fatties!  Ready, and successful!

More then enough filler fish too. Which Ed asked, "Dave, what's a filler fish?" And I replied, "the ones that fill the gaps in the fish box between the big fish." Which were plenty of Yellowmouth Trout, Whiting, and even Croakers.

The guys caught, reeled on, lost, released, allot of fish....5 pounds of shrimp, allot! And plenty of those small chomper bluefish moved in when the tide turned and flooded the green water in between the jetties. But no biggy. They still let us catch plenty.

The wind backed off, the chill went away, and the water calmed down. As the front passed over. Allot of the boats heading offshore turned around or were in early, another reason I'm glad to be a Jetty-man!

We anchored on 2 spots all day long, and kept lines in the water with fresh baits on the hook 99.9% of the day. Plus, as we fished. All the other boats out there disappeared. Guess the Bluefish ran everyone off. Or their crew wasn't as tough as mine.

Don't let the jetty exit door, hit ya in the azz, I say. More room for the Jettywolf!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

11/25 - Turkey Day.....FREE FOR ALL!

Have I mentioned to ya'll lately, how much I LIVE for this time of year.

If I haven't, let me remind you that N.E. Florida inshore fishing just doesn't get any better than RIGHT NOW!

Okay...I got that off my chest.

Well, I can see by the poll I was taking (on the right side bar) and thank you to everyone that were kind enough to add their two cents. That the majority of the votes were that you're here on my daily reports blog to learn more about Jacksonville's Best Inshore fishing  Thanks, for being honest. Because just one vote was for, "I'm here because I want to book a charter."   No charters, no reports. That's how I see it. So you need to spread the word as much as possible. Because, of course this blog isn't really for learning more about Jacksonville's best inshore fishing in general. It's for my customers to view their photos, and read their reports. That is and will always be the intent, here. Unless you're willing to start paying a subscription fee.

Had "Traveller Bob" aboard again, today. Bob's a Kingfisherman in the summer. Bob lives in the mountains of N.C. Bob of course has a really nice boat. Bob likes fishing Jacksonville. And Cappy Dave in Jacksonville is always happy to see the Traveller. Be it in the summer, or in the fall. On my boat, or on his own.

And today. I believe Traveller Bob, was glad to have booked his fall trip, aboard the Jettywolf. Because Traveller Bob.....WORE THEM OUT!

But, let's start around 7:30am to about 11:00am. F-O-G...F-O-G...F-O-G, so we weren't going anywhere fast. No one I saw was and if they were, they were a complete idiot! The fog was thick enough, the Traveller and I idled 7 miles up river in the Jettywolf, along the bank (staying very clear of the ship channel) watching my GPS chart plotter and keep a sharp eye out, for any of those idiots. All to attempt to catch some Trout on a strong rising, tide. (5.2 feet). Well, it was a bit futile. The only thing we did catch was a handful of small Yellowmouth Trout.  Really, the incoming up in the river hasn't been doing me any big favors. And the jetties are slap full of those chomper Bluefish, making float-rigging for Trout even more futile on an incoming tide, the last few days.

But we tried, I always give trout wrangling 110%.  Bob and I fished at least 4 spots. No specks. So the Jettywolf steered her self to the Jetties. So as the tide topped out, we tried float-rig fishing again. Nothing much. but Bob catching one small pup Redfish, and that cost no less than 25 shrimp to just do that amongst the Bluefish.

So, when the Trout fishing gets tough, the tough go down to the bottom. We anchored up on a great spot. And started dropping down live and dead shrimp to the bottom, at high tide. And here is when our day really started.

Small Reds......there's thousands and thousands of them out there along the big rocks. And we caught them. And then we caught some Black Drum. And the longer we fished. The more exciting it got.

Big Reds, small Reds. Perfect eater size Black Drum, and small pup Black Drum. It was a bottom fishing festival! Bob was now on the scoreboard. Rods were bending and we were having a ball.

Then, we got SQUATTED UPON. Two dudes, decided to anchor so close to us I could have spit a louggy in their boat! In yesterday's report I said, "some people park on top of other people, but I won't." Well, I was right. We were on them and just minding our own bees wax.

When the tide turned and started to fall, I had to pull my anchor, or I'd be up on the rocks when the current came. But of course the anchor wouldn't budge. Yet again, the inside of the north Jetty claims another victim. I lost my anchor. My "trip" cable came loose and I got back all my chain and anchor line. While my anchor remained in the rocks, for YOU to get hung on next time. Well, that's two anchors in two months for me.
Not as bad as 4 lost in one day, before 1:00pm, like I had happen a several years ago. I lost my light anchor, again. And had to use my "man-maker", the 22 pounder with 12 foot of chain. And because we were squatted upon, so nicely by the other dudes. The perfect place for me to re-anchor would have been dropping my anchor on the stern of their boat. But being a precision anchor'er, that I am. I believe,  I had to run over their lines to drop my anchor to put us where I wanted to be. So I did and we got on the spot.

And again, live or dead shrimp on the bottom, put Bob and I in constant bites by either Black Drum or Redfish. At least 10 Reds were 16 inches, while the others were 29-32 inches. NO in between keepers. The Drum were from 16 inches to 23 inches, with several too small to keep. Toss in plenty of super hungry Seabass just under what would be keeper status, and a few Yellowmouth Trout. And it was a clinic, out there.

I went from a zero to a hero by giving up on looking for the Trout today. And I believe, Traveller Bob was happy I did. Bob reminded me, that today was the first time he and I fished the jetties. Each time we fished in the past it was too nasty or something out there, to do so. And we had to stay up in the river.

Well Bob....."how 'bout that fall Jetty Bottom fishing?" Man, it was great. No fancy bait needed. Live or fresh dead shrimp, is all we used and they were scarfing it up, as if it was their last meal....and it was for many of those perfect eater sized Black Drum!

We left them biting. It was getting late. Momma was wondering where I was, I'm sure. Thankgiving dinner was around 5:00pm and I would barely make it. Traveller Bob, was wondering to himself, "when is Dave gonna say UNCLE??...and say that's enough, let's go." 

Well folks, it all gets back to what I said at the start of this report.....

"let me remind you that N.E. Florida inshore fishing just doesn't get any better than RIGHT NOW!"

So even I, can't get enough after 3 days in a row! It's living the dream, and catchin the fish. It was such a beautiful day, with good company and great fishing once again. I never want to leave and call it a day. But we did after even more big Redbass.

Light tackle, maximum of a 3 oz. bank sinker in the tide. This is the type of bottom fishing I can really love.

Next up:

Saturday 11/ 27 with 3 guys. And then I guess we'll call that another great month of  November for the history books.

If you missed one of the absolute top months in Jacksonville, I wouldn't waste any time. And get in on December, NOW!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

11/24 - Learning new tactics

Had blog reader Richard C. aboard today. Richard decided it was time to learn about what Cappy Dave is always talking about here on these pages. And my goodness did we have a beautiful day. If you weren't off, and out on the water or sitting along the banks of your favorite stretch of the big St. Johns. You missed, one hell of a glorious day.

I though yesterday was nice. But I believe today was even nicer. The forecast wasn't actually projected to be "Light & Variable" winds. But as Richard asked me as we sat anchored up along the big ole rocks that line the inlet. "Dave, what would say this wind speed is right now...2-3 mph?" I replied, "Richard, it's my two favorite meteorological words...Light and Variable." Which means Richard was right. The wind couldn't have even been 5 mph.

Richards trip was all about learning some new stuff. He has his own boat. But learned:
- Float-rig fishing
- why Bait casting tackle is for Jetty fishing
- Tides
- how to anchor correctly around the rocks
- how to rig a jetty anchor correctly
- how just plain shrimp catches big fish this time of year
- the in's and out's of fall bottom fishing

Besides a bit of story telling, and just plain having a good time in the sun, aboard the Jettywolf. Step on, step off. No fuss, no muss. With a bag of your filleted catch. And all the while being exposed to a whole lot of new stuff.

We started off float-rigging for Trout. But like yesterday, the small chomper Bluefish were ravenous. I stuck one Speck about 17 inches. But bites were far and few between. As I say many times, I knew that going in. But we tried anyhow, because Richard needed to know the float-rigging for Trout basics.

So as the tide continued to rise very high because of the full moon. We went bottom fishing. The catching wasn't on fire by now means. So it gave us time to just talk about different fishing ideas. We caught more Bluefish, Seabass, and a few small yellowmouth trout.

I made another move. And because of my chart plotter, I got an idea. I saw a line of X'd spots on my electronic chart and it reminded me of what could be, at exactly this tide. And believe it or not, that's one of the reasons to have a GPS charter plotter and electronic chart of the whole St. Johns river. When I see X'd spots that litter my entire chart plotter, of places I have caught particular species before. I look at the spot, and then judge it against the present tide conditions.

Needless to say. We anchored up. Richard and I pinned on some big fat jumbo dead shrimp, and pitched them out on only 3 oz. banks sinkers into an area 60 plus feet deep. I've caught big Reds, Drum, and monster sized Sheepshead on this spot, at exactly this tide. So I was very hopeful. It wasn't fiver minutes later Richard sets the hook on a big fish. The Shimano Cruxis lowpro reel was peeling line as Richards 7' Ugly Stik Catfish rod bowed over into a horseshoe shape. I set my identical rod into the rod holder and grabbed the net.

Richard was having a ball battling what was obviously a big Redbass......Brutus T. Redbass! I no sooner netted his fish and the other rod bowed over with the drag peeling. INSTANT DOUBLE HEADER!
It just doesn't get any better!

I held the first Redbass in the water, inside the net. Grabbed my second net, and waited for Richard to whoop his second Redbass.  The second Red came popping to the surface, and I netted that one. Wow, that was exciting! I love double-headers!

Now, this was "LT" jetty bottom fishing! Some 60 feet below the boat. The reds were way to big to be keepers at over 30 inches a piece. And right after releasing them. The boat started to swing, as the tide changed. We made a move and fished the start of the falling tide. Catching not much again. But, it wasn't us. It was the location. The same location I "have been" catching some nice Black Drum, on the early falling tide. Of course, we caught Bluefish. A few small Yellowmouths. But all we really did was watch a boat behind us catch Reds, Yellowmouth and Drum. Allot of people would have tried to park on top of that boat. I know they do it to me. But, I don't do that. So we made another move.

I tried a spot that produces Drum. But it also produces more Toadfish that anywhere I've ever fished at the jetties. Toadfish...the bottom of the barrel, the worst. And what did we instanly catch???  Toadfish, and BIG ones. "OH GAWD....I KNEW IT!" But I wasn't going to give up on the spot too soon. It has potential, I know that too.

So we continued fishing jumbo fresh dead shrimp on the bottom, when Richard gets a good bite. He was reeling, but whatever it was, wasn't pulling drag at all. It was sort of just sliding in the water and tugging a bit. I could tell it wasn't another toad, but something else. It wasn't  a red, or a drum either.

But when it came up to the surface from 45 feet below, Richard and I were ellated. It was a BIG Flounder! I scooped it up with the net and showed Richard, how a big flattie like this was a top predator. Opening it's mouth, showing Richard that a fish like this can eat whatever it wants. And it wanted a jumbo dead shrimp, way down deep!

We had a few swing and misses, while we continued to fish the toad hole. And then came another big Redbass. Way to big to keep, again. But a great fight, for Richard. And then, we swung really close to the rocks, and Richard said, it was time to go. So we headed back.

Saw my single passenger charter for Thursday at the boat ramp, "Traveller Bob" from N.C. Told him we'd have to vacate the jetties if we wanted to trout hunt on his trip. So as of right now, I'm beat. And need to think about my Turkey Day game plan.

Momma said, "we'll keep a plate hot for ya when your done."  But ya know catching some fattie Trout is always more important than eatin' for Cappy Dave.....

So stay tuned.