Tuesday, August 5, 2008

8/5 - Extreme times, call for extreme measures?

Had the Rudy crew aboard today. The last time they were out with me it was mid-March. My notations of that day in my log book included the words, HEINOUS-SUPER WIND-DUE EAST. Even though it's a favorite time of year for me. It can be very windy.

So Joe called and I had today open. And this time, I'm dealing with the cold water deal in the Ocean. Hmm...Luck of the draw, I guess.

But then again, that's why I fish all day long in the 95 degree sun, then come home and do these reports. They are for you, not me. I know what's going on, you can bet on that. You wouldn't believe how much work goes into doing these. This "Google blog" publishing stuff, isn't always a piece of cake.

We departed at 0700 hrs, the summer usual. Headed straight to the chum hole. And had our pick of a whole bunch of shrimp boats to shark fish behind. I did the run and gun behind the first one and had a good hook-up for Joe and he had a taste of the power, and then the shark got off the hook. We did more running and gunning, and it just wasn't working. So we just drifted and set out a few baits when we had a taker. But it was a smaller shark. Fast, a quick turner. A buddy calls them Blacknoses.

But what we're always looking for as you may know is a 100 plus pound Blacktip Shark. Or any other "brand" in the 200+ pound mark, would be great.

Yesterday a friend caught a huge Cuda behind a shrimp boat, but not many Sharks. So yes, things are a bit messed up. The only clue is the 74 to 76 degree water temp.

I was really frustrated. So after gathering my thoughts I went to a shrimp boat and asked for a favor......some CHUM. The man, James said he didn't really have much fish chum. (another reason for the lack of sharks) But he gathered up about a 5 gallon buck for me in my chum bag. And we took off for a different area. And area where the water's warm at least. And maybe we could find a Tarpon. Even though my crew hadn't a clue what a Tarpon even was. I do, and they'd want want. I know. So I went where I've caught Tarpon before. It was a long boat ride. But I made great time, getting there.

There was ZERO wind after I anchored up, and man was it steamy hot. And the water was 80-81 degrees. I started chumming.

You have to get the sharks going before you usually catch a Tarpon. And it worked. Joe caught a Bonnethead Shark on a fairy wand rod, broke another off, we had a small Blacktip, a super strong Nurse shark. Well over 100 pounds, may have been 200 pounds!! Then another Blacktip shark. But never saw a Tarpon. But we at least had some action. Of course, I had no plans of making such a long run to where we caught these. "But sometimes ya just gotta do, what you gotta do."

There's that ole saying...."extreme times call for extreme measures." And this summer has been no exception.

This Nurse shark about completely whooped Don!!

They're like monster cat fish. They're slow and don't run all that fast. They're strong as all hell, and they know it. I failed to get a better photo, because I sort had my hands full after the shark eventually made it to boat side. I tell people, "This is the biggest Kitty Cat you'll ever catch." I was surprised to get a Nurse where we were fishing, that's for sure. You usually catch them around jetties, and reefs where there's lots of nook and crannies. But it came straight to our chum.

As soon as the tide got high. All of our bites stopped abruptly. I was about out of chum anyhow. So we packed it in for the long ride back to the dock. Which we needed, for a cool down period.

BRING: Hats, sunglasses, and plenty of beverages when the heat is really on like today. And I'm not talking alcoholic beverages either. That's the last thing you or I need.

Heading out tomarrow with four passengers, that I'll have to do the same thing with. It's tough going right now. And we so badly need a hurricane in the Atlantic to pass by, just like BERTHA did. Which changed the water temps for awhile, or a Tropical storm, depression or something. Just to suck all this water out of here, again. So we can fish the rest of this summer like normal.

The weather man on channel 4 TV is talking about the ocean water temp, right now! It's in the 70's from Anastasia Island, St. Johns County to just north of Fernandina Beach. Below it's warmer and above us it's warmer. Welcome to Bazzaro world, Jacksonville, Florida!

Here's my crew...sun burnt, hot and tired. Needing a cold beer and some A/C!

Monday, August 4, 2008

8/4 - Tarpon #1 of 2008

Well....since I had just a blast on Saturday's (8/2) charter, so much that I never even did a report about it. I did the opposite, today with Marty & Ken. The river water's even cool, and the ocean water is even cooler.

To quote Jerry Sienfeld, "This isn't good for anybody."

This thermocline thang isn't doing us any favors, that's for sure.

So we went hunting 80+ degree water today. And went to an area I don't fish much at all, because I don't have too. The ICW. (Intra-Coastal waterway)
I do have a few spots where I've caught some Trout, Drum, and Reds. But they certainly weren't there today. Because on two of them we never even lost a live shrimp or a mud minnow!

So we just kept working south.

In a nut shell the fella's caught a few Mangrove snappers, a lil puppy Black Drum, and a mini Tarpon.

These lil' dudes were all over one spot. Just swimming around, totally ignoring or savory live shrimp.

They'd roll, they wake wakes, they spook and shoot across the surface of the water. But never leave the comfort of one particular area.

Damn, I love N.E. Florida Tarpon!! (sarcasm)

And that was about it. Just one, made the mistake of gobbling a sprightly "local" shrimp under a cork.

Oh the water was warm, alright, 81 degrees. And Ken and Marty were looking as if they were about to fall out from the blistering afternoon heat. Accompanied by the lack of any breeze, down yonder. I fare very well in hot weather and I have to admit, it was stifling.

So with all that excitement. We came back to Mayport (Ahhh...I'm home!) And I saw a shrimp boat coming in the river, so we went out in Lake Atlantic where the air was cool, and the ocean water temp was a steamy 74-76 degrees and chased a few shrimp boats we found dragging out there.

One hook up on a smoker shark. Only to have it come off the circle hook. I kept trying and trying, to get another. Running and gunning up to the boats, but we never had another big bite. So we headed in, after one long hot summer day.

(right about now, I'm starting to have day dreams of chilly December mornings along the jetty rocks.)

Here's another pic of Poon #1, and may be the only one in '08?? It was a cute lil' bugger.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

8/3 - GREEN from Envy.

The water's off Long Island NY, are warmer than it is here!!

And here's a Big Black Sea Bass taken from there, enough to make any N.E. Florida bottom bumper "green-headed" with envy. (We call 'em green heads when they get that big)

Caught on a fellow aluminumalloyboats.com members boat, from up yonder. After they caught his 1st Marlin, on his Birthday!! (I see big ole Sea-Biscuit's and I get excited!)

Wow. I'll take my allowable "10" of these...on a butterfly jig, and call it a day, thank you!

Here's another topic to make you, I mean me.... "Green with Envy" .

I'd put my money if I had any, on this boat. 34' of solid 1/4" Aluminum Alloy Plate!! A Yellowfin and Contender eating machine.
"The RockSalt 34"
No playing bumper boats at the Kingfish tournament
weigh-in's with this bad boy.

Unless ya' wanna get hurt. (http://www.rocksaltboats.com/)

8/3 - The Graph

It's always, for some reason or another the
middle of the wonderful curve in the state where
J-ville sits. Like a Poltergeist, that cold water lays up in here, like a ghostly mass.
It's warm water to the south, and warm to the north!
And people wish they had my job?

Here's all ya need to know about the Thermocline:

I'm not even going to discuss yesterday's charter.

Friday, August 1, 2008

8/1- Tale of the table....Ocean temps!!!!!

My endless "HOT" button issue in the summer, is....
water temps!

Want to see the "Ocean water temp" story, really easy?


CLICK ON: St Marys (buoy) because it's close to the beach. and the St Augustine (C-MAN), because it's close to the beach.

Way offshore is where it's still warm.

Damn, what's wrong with this area and these summer time water temps?

What I'd like to see is a table made of years, summer months, and temps. So I can see how many times this happens and how frequently. Because it seems like almost every year during the summer. And a year without, is distinctly different fishing.

The Mayport weather station at the Bar Pilots Assoc. dock is unavailible, because the docks not there anymore...they're rebuilding it. I hope it's done before winter time.

It's my "go-to" Boat Ramp weather, link.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

7/31 - Bent rods make me feel good

I was going through my photo's on Google's Picasa photo-uploader. Making them "public", so when you go and type in certain search words under Google images, my very long list of photos could meet you search criteria.

While doing this I saw these photos. And you know, when you see a photo sometimes how it really brings back the memories? These weren't long ago. But like every summer, it does seem like forever and never ending. But just a month or more ago, seems like a long time.

Well, that trip I made offshore to do some butterfly jigging with Dale H. in June and the photos we took that day, were a few of the photos that really stirred up "good memories" for me.

Looking at these is all it took for me to say, "Man, now that was
F-U-N!" Like going shoe shopping for many women, or an amusement park for the kids.

I won't forget that day for a long time. It was really day # 1 of the first time I really put the jig tackle to the test and had serious success with it. They may have been mostly AJ's tugging us all over. But hell, they were slurping the jigs up like candy.

Maybe this fall, the big fat Snapper will slurp them up.

I read an article by the other day by Mr. About.com, Ron Brooks, and it was all about how "they" the fisheries folk really want to just plain shut down the bottom fishing industry. And people like Capt George Strate of Mayport Princess, and Capt Scott Reynolds of the King Neptune, here locally. Who's livelihoods depend on taking many people at one time, bottom fishing. Is in jeopardy.

I feel for them, too. It's not a great time being a fishing Captain these days, anyhow. Not around here.

But I was thinking. If they want to make limits tighter on Grouper and Snapper, then I guess the progression is to make it more fun when you do go. That's why I love getting "jiggy". It's a different approach to than just feeding the fish bait. It may just be me, but when and if I caught a really big Snapper on a hand selected, jigged just right, over the perfect spot, during the perfect time of year.....That certainly makes the whole thing sweeter tasting for me. It's the challenge, I guess.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

7/29 - GOT BAIT?

Since we had the Pogies (Menhaden) just blast right on past good ole J-ville again this year, or head due south into the river to only be seen by Bass or Cat fisherman.

And the water temps offshore oscillating back and forth from 75 - 78 - 83, with nothing a constant.

I guess you could say, "that's N.E. Florida in the summer for ya...AGAIN!!!!!!!"

Can ya just imagine what it would be like to head offshore an actually see this:


Yeah, and TUNA too. It's not so far north, just off the coast of Mass./ R.I. /Conn.

Damn, I love November thru April. I hope everyone who may read this report blog that wants to go fishing, will actually want to go when I love it the most.


Monday, July 28, 2008

7/28 - Mixin' it up a bit.

Had Phil T. his lovely wife (and a good sport) and son aboard today.

The plan was to hit the shrimp boats, and we did. And man did I ruin some tackle right off the bat. Lines snapping and loosing floats. I thought we might never get a good hook up to stay on.

But we did. But it was the smaller Black nosed Sharks, that speed around and turn fast and change up on you. Okay as starters. But we're here for what would be the ultimate......

Let me describe it.

-way over 100 pounds, (150+ pound Blacktip shark would be perfect. Super Jumper. Super strong, hardly any line left on the reel, afterburners lit .

That's what we (I) want.

Well, we had a few in the 70-90 pound class. And the one that did light the afterburners and took 200 yards of line, boiled the surface, jumped, and went nuts. Unfortunately wore itself slap out, and afterwards swam right up to the boat, I leader'd it. And the shark acted like it was dead! I cut it loose, and I think it freaked out so badly, it may have had a heart attack. It barely swam away.

That's a first, for me!

Well. I had plans as soon as everyone had their fill of the sharks, or if they just weren't up to par. We'd head out offshore and do some trolling real quick.

But as soon as I re-rigged all the gear and headed due east, it was one heck of a wet ride.

The southeast breeze was really blowing. The seas were close, and for every wave we hit, the wind blew it into the boat and right in the face of Phil's wife. Who stood there and took it. Till she lost her hat and we turned around to retrieve it.

I said, "Ya don't have to stand there and get wet, you can move". And after she said the saltwater was burning her eyes, it was time to move away from the spraying water.

I was bone dry behind the console. Yep, I usually am. But going east, into a very choppy SE sea and big wind, someone was gonna get it.

We beat our way out there. And I could just tell this was gonna be interesting. And thank goodness for "pulling the hardware", the trolling bars and Drone spoons, because I sure wasn't gonna look for bait in this sea, for an hour or so of trolling.

I picked up the other day, a MONSTER Drone spoon. This thing has to be almost 12" long.

I looked at it and said to myself, "this will be like a teaser with a hook!"

So I dropped out the regular spoons, on each side of the boat, then ran this monster right down the center out of my leaning post rod holders. The flash I was putting out had to attract something.....

Well, the water's cold again!!!!!!!!!

Here it is 78 degree water, in the middle of the day again. Wednesday the moons were aligned with Venus and I had 83 even, or better. THAT'S WHAT I WANT AND LIKE. Because in no time on Wednesday we had strikes, which ended in 2 kings and a cuda.

Man, this place is really goofy. Wonder if other parts of Florida go through this almost every single summer??

We received one strike. And guess what? The MONSTER spoon got hit, by a small Kingfish.

Everyone said, "that spoon will catch something....." but I never thought the first fish would be a small king. I was thinking, a big Snaggle Toothed Ledge Trout (aka: Cuda)

We slopped, and I mean slopped around in that water for awhile longer, and headed in.

All that for a 6 pound Kingfish...

Oh well. It was an adventure.

I won't be heading out there again till I see that the water temps at least 83 again. A buddy is gonna keep me up on it through his Ocean temp charts.
Look at the size of that spoon it's like a gaff handle and a hook. But they like' em.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Doing my best.......

Always doing my best to keep my promises, when it comes to my Daily Blog Report readers...
You may remember that on the 7/18/08 report I said at the end of it, "STAY TUNED...FOR VIDEO"

Well, it's here. Had Paul P. who was the crew that day drop by and we loaded his video off his camera onto my computer. We found that I already had some editing software going on. So I gave a shot.

Here's all the video snippet's Paul and Mike took while they warmed up their forearms.

We had a really good day, and this is just one of many the crew caught.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

7/23 - One mile from the inlet.

Had Steve W. and his two sons aboard today.......during the Greater Jax Kingfish tournament Jr. Angler tourney.

HOLY CRAP, I actually saw POLICE directing traffic at the boat ramp, can ya' believe that???

They had no cars parking in truck/trailer parking spots, and were aligning everyone into the open spots. I about to stop and ask, "how many years did this take, to get some kind of attention down here?" I actually know that answer. WAY TOO MANY!

The boat ramp was super busy. And boats were everywhere. Seen some ole friends, that I haven't seen in years. Which was cool.

I guess they'll be at the Mayport Boat Ramp on Friday and Saturday too.

I dropped the BIG METAL in the water amongst all those color coordinated ping-pong balls out there, and friend Frank who was at the dock said, "I see no other metal boats Dave." My reply was....."and that's too damn bad, too. They'll come around one day." As I backed out of the ramp with Steve and his boys , there was numerous boats hovering around, I did notice they got the out'a the way.......Wonder why?

We took off out the inlet. And my friends were out there in good numbers, about 10 shrimp boats. We tried and tried boat after boat with a few lost hookups on a few sharks, then finally caught a small Blacktip. Just a pup, at maybe 20 pounds. But a good primer for the kids.

Believe it or not it was kinda sloppy out there in the ole chum hole today. A Southeast wind I guess it was, was honkin'. And at times the seas rolled 4 foot or better, really close together.

After NO......I mean NO, I.G. (instantaneous gratification) so we looked around and headed south, to take a look southwards at the S.E. Hole area. I saw no shrimp boats. Then we headed North.

Maybe that strong falling tide and all the fresh water had the sharks off the feed bag on the boats the last few days because they were sort of straight out of the inlet. So we went north and found a lone smaller boat dragging all by itself.

This boat was PAY DIRT. Big mean Blacktips, giving the boys got a real work out.

Dad got in the action too, and had to help wear them out as did I.

We had the usual breakoff's, bite off's and slashing surface bites that didn't hook-up. But we ended up hooking 4 and getting 4 to the boat.

At one time, as my shrimp boat stopped to mess with the nets, we hung into "THE MAN"...and I couldn't hand the rod off to one of the boys.

I pitched a bait on a float up behind the drifting shrimp boat and had the whole rig ripped and broke off, so I grabbed another rod with a float and pitched it back into the same spot. The monster grabbed the bait and took off around the shrimp boat as nets hung in the water. I had to gun the engine and get to the other side. But the shark went up and under the shrimp boat, and out the other side at least 200 yards, in a "ya ain't stopping me" fashion. I bowed on the rod as hard as I could and dropped 25 pounds of drag on it. And the shark never stopped. But the line finally parted probably due to the fact the this beast was dragging the line under the shrimp boat. It was awesome!

It was just a 1/2 day trip, so everyone got their arms worked. And as we headed in there was a solid mass of jet black clouds to the north. I pulled up to the vacant dock at the boat ramp, put the boat on the trailer and as I bid Steve and the boys farewell till next year. Here came the crowds. Man, what perfect timing. The winds blew up and it looked like all hell was gonna break loose as I drove out of there, leaving that weather (that did hit) behind in my trucks wake, heading for the 5 minute ride home.

Ahhhhh, now that was perfect timing. As I backed the boat into her boat port at home. Here came another July storm. High winds and very threatening skies and rain. But who cares....I was home and did another great day with some good kids.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

7/22 - OPPS.....

Had Mike & Nick H. on board today from California. Since yesterday's chew fest behind the shrimp boats. I was ready to have these guys wearing them out. We left out a bit later, since I needed the rest after yesterday and then going to a class from 6pm till mid-night. I was whooped. So we left out at 8am, instead of 7am, as usual.

The shrimp boats were all over outside the jetties. And we caught sharks behind them and down in the S.E. hole area, where the water is cleaner. But it was very bleak compared to earlier in the week.

It's really something that each day is never like the day before. I tell people on my boat, "who here, goes to work and has not a clue of what's going to happen while you're there?" The answer is usually, "not me....I do the same thing all the time."

It was about 11:30am when I pulled up to the back of a few shrimp boats, cast out two baits, and as the shrimper pulled off, we never had a sniff of our baits. That was enough for me to say, "I've had enough."

So I changed up my big gear and re-rigged, scrolled through my GPS and headed offshore.
6 miles later we came off plane and dropped over some "old school rigs". The stuff that used to catch fish before they all got smarter, and every boat became tournament rigged and ready, for only live bait fishing for just catching whoppers for weigh-in.

Well, I had no live bait, no time to get live bait. And my dead bait was shark bait, not trolling bait.

The "old school rig" worked great. No sooner we started to troll, both lines got WHACKED, but no hook-ups. So we kept on. I played around with the trolling speed, and obviously found the sweet spot. The rod doubled over and Nick reeled in his first ever Cuda. Not a whopper. But just right. Nick was still tired from Mr. Blacktip that pushed 100 pounds.

Then we kept trolling a large artificial reef area. Mike was up next and the rod bent over and he had a Kingfish. A snake (small one), but his first ever. Back up and trolling again and a few more whacks and then Nick caught another snake King. Perfect for the fish box it was just 30". So this was the one going to California tonight at 6pm, via jet air liner.

We trolled the area a little while longer with a few more hits and no hook-ups, then headed in. Beating a storm brewing from the south.

I didn't mind this change up, because it was a change of pace.

The big OPPS is that I thought Mike took a few photos of me and Nick with the Cuda and Kings, but when I got home and went to down-load the photos from my camera there wasn't any in there. Hmmm....Mike??

It's okay. Reading ( not looking at pictures) is fundemental, right?

1/2 day on Wednesday during the GJKT Jr. Anglers day. Oh Boy.....I have a plan to possibly try for a Silver King. A buddy of mine caught one today.

It sure is good to see 83 degree water again.

Monday, July 21, 2008

7/21 - Heck with Discovery Channel...C'mon!


It's shark week on Capt. Dave's "BIG METAL" boat, and there's no bag of potato chips or lazy boy recliner here. It's YOU and the beast.

I know I've been out there mingling with the BlackTip's a lot, because it's so dang fun. And guess what?? The Ocean water is WARM again! It was a solid 80-82 degrees, where last week before the storm and passing of Bertha, the ocean water was 74-78 degrees. Just in time for the 100 boat, Greater Jax Kingfish tourney...UHG. But no matter rain, nor wind , nor choppy seas, can keep me from making my appointed rounds with these "String Stretchers", for my 1/2 day clients. And I have two more days of it coming up before the tournament.

And YES, they're just off the beach. And sometimes so close we can bikini watch, while fishing. Just an F.Y.I. for ya'll.

Man, I'm so glad to see the warmer water come back close-in, again. It's not summer without 80 plus degree water. TARPON? Maybe. I have my nose on the trail.

Had Bruno B. friend Whitney and daughter Brittney aboard today for a 1/2 day.

As usual we took off at 7am and they were wore slap out by 11am.

Only thing that changed was the fact the "shrimpers" changed locales. But the first boat we ran into was loaded up.

And the Blacktips were all good sizers. We even had one snap 65 pound Super Braid line at boat side that went 7 foot or better......that's the man I'm always looking for. And my customers would be happy with the 40 pounders. Bruno was on the rod when the big one horse shoe'd the rod, and the line popped with a crack! Ahhhh, I love the studs.


We caught at least 6 or more and had another 4 lost due to break off's or eaten leaders. These dudes are tough on tackle. So I wouldn't attempt going after them on too light of tackle, or you maybe in for a very long fight.

I'm tired and I never fought a single shark.

Don't forget to check the report with the photo of the very well built angler, for my garage sale items. Or visit link on the top of the side bar of this blog. Let's DEAL.

More pics from last Friday...7/18/08

More photos sent to me from Paul P. of last Friday's (7/18) 1/2 day trip. We might get some video of this day, just emailing it is a pain. But Paul's justy donw the street from me. Maybe a disc, instead?

It was a cloudy windy Friday during the
"tropical" low pressure system that
passed over us, last week.
But JAWS didn't care,
and either did we.

We had some serious
F-U-N, and Eathan at
11 years old had a ball.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

7/19 - SIGN ME UP!!!!!!


Becoming Illegal (Actual letter from an Iowa resident and sent to his senator)


The Honorable Tom Harkin
731 Hart Senate Office Building
Phone (202) 224 3254
Washington DC, 20510

Dear Senator Harkin,

As a native Iowan and excellent customer of the Internal Revenue Service, I am writing to ask for your assistance. I have contacted the Department of Homeland Security in an effort to determine the process for becoming an illegal alien and they referred me to you.

My primary reason for wishing to change my status from U.S. Citizen to illegal alien stems from the bill which was recently passed by the Senate and for which you voted. If my understanding of this bill's provisions is accurate, as an illegal alien who has been in the United States for five > years, all I need to do to become a citizen is to pay a $2,000 fine and income taxes for three of the last five years. I know a good deal when I see one and I am anxious to get the process started before everyone figures it out.

Simply put, those of us who have been here legally have had to pay taxes every year so I'm excited about the prospect of avoiding two years of taxes in return for paying a $2,000 fine. Is there any way that I can apply to be illegal retroactively?

This would yield an excellent result for me and my family because we paid heavy taxes in 2004 and 2005. Additionally, as an illegal alien I could begin using the local emergency room as my primary health care provider. Once I have stopped paying premiums for medical > insurance, my accountant figures I could save almost $10,000 a year.

Another benefit in gaining illegal status would be that my daughter would receive preferential treatment relative to her law school applications, as well as 'in-state' tuition rates for many colleges throughout the United States for my son.

Lastly, I understand that illegal status would relieve me of the burden of renewing my driver's license and making those burdensome car insurance premiums. This is very important to me given that I still have college age children driving my car.

If you would provide me with an outline of the process to become illegal (retroactively if possible) and copies of the necessary forms, I would be most appreciative. Thank you for your assistance.

Your Loyal Constituent, (I withheld name) Burlington , IA



Friday, July 18, 2008


Had Paul P. his son Ethan, and Paul's cousin aboard today. The plan was for some "SHARKIN" , because this weather system was gonna be out of here and it was supposed to be nice and sunny with 5 knot SW winds or something like that.........NOT!

The Weather Guessers missed this baby by a mile. I arrived at the boat ramp with yesterday's practice in float fishing with four people in the river in the rain as a practice in futility, still fresh in my mind. At sun-up....IT WAS STILL DARK. Not good. As I put the boat in the water I said to another Guide, "this sure does make ya appreciate those nice sunny hot days, doesn't it?"

He replied, "yeah, maybe this will just burn off and get sunny later."

Well, later came and it never got any better. Over cast, rainy, and that predicted 5 knots of SW wind was more like 15 knots. This actually turns out to be a "tropical low pressure system". Not just a few over cast days in a row.

Paul & crew showed up and we took off. We were going SHARKIN'.

Drag peeling, rod bending, arm aching, fishing. All just within a 5 minute ride from the inlet's jetty rocks.

We pulled up to the first shrimp boat, I made a cast, and I.G. - instantaneous gratification!!!!!!

Drag burner, hooked up and running. Yeah gotta love it. I handed the rod to 11 year old Ethan.

I know when I was 11 years old, I would have eaten this up. Because at 45, I still love it!

I should be getting some video from Paul of today's action. And of course I'll post it here.

I only got a few photo's because my camera batteries were going dead.

The seas were a bit nasty, the sky was dark, the wind was blowing, and the big bad Blacktip Sharks were CHEWING.

I think the first 4 or more hook-up were instant hook-ups.

Although we did experience, some wackiness. I'd make a cast behind the shrimp boats, get bit and the whole rig would be gone. (I think it was Flipper messing with me) And reel in a slack line. This could happen one cast after another. I usually keep a nice big float on my line so the 16/0 circle hook and bait doesn't sink and go into the shrimp nets. Plus, isn't everything better on a FLOAT??? I think so, it's a visual bite watching that float go under, as well as being able to follow the bait in the prop wash of the shrimp boat.

But that's sharkin'.....loosing lots of hooks, leaders, line, and floats. It's run and gun, fast and furious. Aching arms and big fish. Makes going trolling for Kingfish seem so damn tame. And although I usually don't keep any of these sharks. If I was too, it would have to be a small one.

Our smallest one today was probably in the 40 pound range up to 100+ pounds, as it can usually be. It was so easy to tell if it was a Big Un'. Because, as Paul' cousin put it, "Dave there's not much line left on the reel!"

This was really fun today. And sure beats a lot of fishing and not a lot of catching. Just wish there were some Tarpon thrown in to the mix behind the shrimp boats. Kind of like the good ole days.

We had one smaller shark today that jumped. But most stayed in the water.

Overall, on a 1/2 day trip we had at least 15 bites and about half that on fish to the boat.

It was a really good morning.

A 200 pound test leader, crimped to a 14/0 - 16/0 circle hook, attached to my 8 foot Biscayne custom rods and Accurate twin drag 870's, are perfect tackle, for the sport of BIG strong fish.

MORE INFO ON BT SHARKS: http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/fish/Gallery/descript/blacktip/blacktipshark.html


Thursday, July 17, 2008


I got up around 6:50, poured so coffee, sat down and turned on the computer to check emails and visit aluminumalloyboats.com as I always do. And at 7:15 the phone rang......What, who could this be??

It was a guy calling me from the Mayport Princess party boat. And wanted to know if they could go fishing right now. Groggy still, I thought......."what?"

The Party boat turned around because it was too rough to head out 30 miles, I guess. Captain George turned around just outside the jetties, according to Alex on the phone.

I've had some really late notice charter calls lately. But this was unusual. I gave him the details , and he hung up. In this business, 99% of every late notice, usually means you'll never hear from these people again. But 10 minutes later the phone rang again, and it was Alex's dad, James on the phone. They were still on the Mayport Princess party boat pulling up to the dock. I gave him the details, and he booked the charter right then. Surprised ? "Yes, I was."

I told James, I sitting here in my underdrawers, and it would be a few hours, before I could get to the boat ramp. I have zero fuel in the boat and was needing to hit the gas station anyhow today. So I'll see them at 10am at the boat ramp.

I arrived at the gas station, and fuel was $4.10 a gallon.....holy crap! But I usually have to pre-pay because the bank shuts me down at $75 worth, and I needed at least $100 worth or more. So I walked in the gas station. The guy inside said, "Hold on I'm re-pricing the pumps...."

"OH NO", I replied. "How much is it now?" I asked. "we're lowering the price ten cents" he said. "Wow, I got lucky".

I put a pay check in the boats tank and thought to myself, "this could be the start of a good day."

Then I headed to the bait shop. They maybe had 20 dozen "local" but very small live shrimp, so I bought ten dozen. I'm over $150 now, and haven't put the boat in the water yet. So I headed to the boat ramp.

The sky was very dark, it was cloudy and the weather guessers on TV got this one right. 99.99% chance of rain today. And I was looking straight at it. Eastward the sky was black!

9:45am came and went....then 10:00am came and went........then 10:15am. I called James and said "where are you?" They were just around the corner. They left and went all the way back to Ponte Vedre where they were staying to get a few minutes of shut eye. James told me they didn't hit the sack till 2:00am last night!! And they were going on the party boat? On a rough windy, rainy day? They should be glad Capt. George turned around, is what I thought.

So James N. and his son, Nephew, and their friend jumped on board. Since he gave me the heads up on the phone at 7:15am that it was rough at the jetties, and they wanted an inshore trip. That's what where we headed.

Even though I didn't feel really good about the days weather, the tide, and the full moon.

The tide was high this morning and where did I need to go? Further up river. Where for about every eight miles add in an extra hour of high tide.

The guys didn't get anything till the tide turned and started to fall. But that is just about when the wall of blackness hit us and the big rain came down. The river was just a mass of gray-ness as you looked down it.

I worked all the usual places, and the Mangrove Snappers were on the feed bag as usual.

Then the tide really started to ebb and Alex caught a nice Trout. And then another.

That was about it. Four lines working behind the boat and just a couple Trout, and a few 12" or better Mangroves. The rain would stop, then start again. And these guys were soaked, cold and it wasn't like the kind of day I'd choose to be out here.
We started to work our way back to the dock, and by then the weather got nicer.
Because we were "inshore fishing" didn't make the day any better really.
But that's not my "call".
I just go an try.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Summer is for kids....

I do not hardly receive a single inquiry all summer that doesn't include some kids as passengers.
I certainly do not mind, and if the kids are into it, they can really learn something. I enjoy that.

In this business for 12 years, I still don't know what people want. Oops, forget that, yes I do. They want private fishing charters for $100. Well since that will never be the case again. I try my best to figure out what to do, especially when I have kids aboard.

First thing, is what I love as much as anyone, "I.G." . It stands for instantaneous gratification. During the correct season, you've read about when I pull up to a spot, drop anchor and immediately catch a 5 pound Speckled Trout on the first cast. That's I.G.!

Better to be lucky than good, I say. But in all reality it has as much to do with, time of year, time of day, the tide, the area, and bait presentation.

Then there's this time of year, deep summer. Kids off school, and parents looking for fishing charters. Most going with a 1/2 day which is 4 hours. And the kids can range from 5 to 12 years of age.

Number one on the list of what to do is; "how fast can I get these kids into a good sized fish, or into serious action".

Number two is, "will the fishing style take them all day to learn, or is it something I can show everyone on board in a few minutes."

Number three is, "since this time of year means not much notice, I want to not deal with tides or bait stealer's."

And number four is, "keeping travel time to a minimum. Not using and hour and a half of the day to get to where we're fishing, because we don't have that luxury."

We've all heard, "are we there yet, are we there yet........"

Yeah, I know that's a lot of deep thought into "just going fishing", but it's the kind of thoughts that go through my mind not only with the kids, but especially with the kids aboard.

Deep summer as in, RIGHT NOW. It's not the same as November or even April when it comes to the local fishing. But there is plenty to do.

So if you call and have kids that you want to show a good time. Let me take care of it. It's what I do. Be flexible, and go with the flow.

Monday, July 14, 2008

7/14 - 2 boats - lots of teeth

Had Larry R. call me yesterday and he had 6 or 7 people that wanted to go fishing. Can't say that 2pm was a lot of notice. But I got the J-O-B done and called Cappy Randal, (aka: Sea-Daddy), as my second boat that was needed for that many people.

Shocked off my leaning post, Larry pulled in the parking lot about 30 minutes early!!!!

I never get that, especially on a large group charter, where someone inevitable slows down the morning momentum . But it was 6:30am and they were here! I hardly had time to soup down in sunscreen and fix a few rigs. Really, I was shocked.

I took 4 people, and Capt. Randal took just two. We both had Jr. Anglers aboard at 10-11 years old. And my kid was a machine!

We went behind the shrimp boats and tossed baits behind the nets and caught Sharks. At first they were smaller types. And the action was really good, considering not a whole lot has been going on just off the beach with the cool water temps. via a summer thermocline that is upon us once again. PREDICTION: this 75-78 degree water won't leave here till we have a September Tropical storm, Depression, or Hurricane come by. The water should be 80-83 degrees all day long!

Capt. Randall's crew was hooked up instantly, as he pulled up and made a cast to the back of the shrimp boat.
And then it was my crews turn.

This boy was a fishing machine, and I think he went for at least 3-4 in a row!

At first the sharks were around the 30 pound mark. They are fast! Then, we ran to another spot and found four shrimpers working and this area producing exactly what I was looking for.


(There's no way for me to get a photo of what we call a "Spinner". Which is really nothing but a Blacktip Shark that flies through the air cork screwing)

The three adults were there, but the boy just kept going and going......
Then we had a few double headers, two on at the same time. Which is always fun. If they stay apart.

The guys had to of caught at least 8-10 of these toothy dudes. And then wanted to go try something else. And there wasn't much else to try at this point. But I ran out to a "bait spot" and jigged up some tiny little cigar minnows. And slow trolled them around for awhile, with no strikes.

So we headed to the dock.
Capt Randall had the same action, and even got some chum from a shrimper. So he didn't have to chase the boats anymore.

The offshore report from a friend wasn't all that great. Cuda's of course, a Bonita, and one King Mackerel.